Download my resume here​​​​​​​
Hey you,
Hows it going? Me? I'm Jason, a second year graduate student in the Interaction Design graduate program at SVA in NY, graduating in May 2019. I've worked with a number of companies across industries, including brokerage firms, message platforms, and early stage start-ups. My experience started with designing small icons and marketing material and evolved to shipping new features to millions of users.
My most recent role at Salesforce focused on helping clients design tools for the future while still servicing older customers.  I had the opportunity to bring my ideas from sketches to high fidelity designs and prototypes that were used for high level conversations with potential c suite customers. Some of these were pitched and presented to CEO's and Innovation and Marketing officers. The result was new research findings, insights, and recommendations for the team.
Outside of design, I’ve honed my marketing, branding and illustration chops. Some of this work exist online, on places like dribble. Offline I’ve started an event “Off the margins”, a pop up art gallery for homeless artist, fully funded through Kickstarter. Ask me about it!
You can find me on twitter dropping Seinfeld quotes are talking about my thesis on how blockchain can help the homeless.
I'm a total comedy nerd and if I'm not designing or out with friends chances are I'm watching a Netflix special. I love the parallels between comedy and design (trust me there are many), the content is never for the creator, you craft the experience to fit the audience, live user feedback. Ah I'll write about it one day, you'll get it.
Are you looking for a collaborative designer that’s willing to learn from his peers? A dedicated soul who speaks for the user, won't stop until we ship, but will make sure the team celebrates each milestone over beers. If so get in touch, especially if you can appreciate 80s disco classics!

Feel free to write me

You can find me on:
• Dribbble (my design work)
• Medium (my thoughts on design and the world)
• Linkedin (for business contacts)
• Twitter (seinfeld references)
• Instagram (for friends)

My Skills & Knowledge
Photoshop • Illustrator • Responsive Design • UI (User Interface) • UX (User Experience) • Thorough understanding of iOS, Android, Web • Branding• Project Management •  Digital Marketing 


Innovation Design Intern
May 2018 – August 2018 • Salesforce
Freelance Product Designer
November 2017 – Feb 2018 • Kinvite

• Freelance Product Designer
January 2017 – May 2017 • Everything Did
• Digital Production Associate
December 2014 – July 2017 • WebMD

• UX Design intern
February 2014 – October 2014 • American Entrepreneurship

• Business Development Associate 
September 2012 – May 2013 • Onswipe

• Interaction Design Graduate student
September 2017 -- May 2019 •  School of Visual Arts
• Economics Undergrad major
September 2009 – May 2014 • Rutgers University

Jason Branch 2018, All right reserved
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